PRP / Bio Facial

Reset your skin.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), or plasma treatment, is a simple, natural way to improve skins texture, minimize the appearance of your pores and tighten skin to restore your youthful skin giving an overall glow within 4 weeks post treatment. PRP which stands for Platelet–Rich Plasma uses your own platelets in your blood to restore and stimulate collagen, which is the protein responsible for keeping tissue and muscles tight and strong. PRP is simply a method for directing your body’s own restorative resources to places that need it most.

How Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment Works.

First a small amount of blood is taken from your arm. Don’t get nervous – it’s equal to a few teaspoons. Second the blood is put into a centrifuge and spun so that the plasma separates from the platelets. Remember, those platelets contain growth factors (autologous white blood cells) that stimulate and rejuvenate collagen an important element for youthful appearance. Last platelet-rich plasma (PRP) are prepared in a fibrin solution and injected under the skin to begin the rejuvenating process. It only takes about 30 to 40 minutes. It’s not painful but numbing cream can be applied.

PRP Tampa

The Results of Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment

While the initial results are impressive displaying a minimized pore size, tightened skin and an overall glow, the entire process can take months to peak. You will continue to see improvement in the skins texture and tone for the next 8 months as more collagen and keratin builds under the skin. The results typically last 2 years or longer and the best part is it’s a fragment of the cost of a surgical facelift. It’s a safe, natural solution to aging – what more do we need to say?

PRP Chest

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